Thursday, February 6, 2014

CookeSpy 5.1: update announcement

Dear Friends,

I am pleased to announce the new update of CookieSpy 5.1. That release has primary bug fixes and several new features.


“Delete All” command

The command deletes all cookies for the active browser except cookies marked as Protected It can be found in context menu of the cookies list.

Delete All


“Close other tabs” command

That command closes tabs except active one. It works similar the same command on browsers.

Close other tabs

To restore browser’s tabs close and start again application.


Rearranged “Options” menu

There were made some changes in Options menu (men that opens on by click on gear icon):

  • Menu items was regrouped.
  • Added link to this blog.
  • Removed non-relevant items.

Options menu


Fixed a crash while trying to sort by “Domain” column

Prevoius version of CookieSpy has very annoyning defect that is fixed in CookieSpy 5.1. If you click on “Domain” coulmn to have cookies sort by name of the domain application crashed with such message

Sort By Domain Error

Please download the latest build of CookieSpy and keep the feedback coming.